So what is it?
It's a big swirly thing. No, not really. It's a Windows screen saver for displaying images with a few options that make it a bit more interesting.
Which types of image can it load?
Currently it supports JPEG, PNG, JPEG 2000 .jpc and .jp2 files and some types of BMP file. If you want support for other formats, let me know and I'll see what I can do.
How many images can it handle?
JPEG Saver has been successfully tested with over 68000 files in more than 700 directories, which used around 16Mb of memory. I really don't know how many it can actually cope with - and I haven't imposed any limit in the software.
Why did you write it?
Originally I wrote JPEG Saver because I couldn't find a screen saver on the web that would display a bunch of JPEGs. After Windows XP came out with the "My Pictures SlideShow" screen saver I thought JPEG Saver would be obsolete. But "My Pictures Slideshow" has some limitations that I didn't like, so this year* I DUG out the source code and started work again.
What does JPEG Saver do that My Pictures Slideshow can't?
Well, the most obvious difference is that JPEG Saver supports multiple directories. There are also options for setting where the image will appear on the screen, and the order in which the images will be displayed. And you can turn individual transitions on or off. And there is more control over the resizing of images. And you can change the background.